Term 3 - Part 1 -
Term 3 got off to a very Scottish
start! Room 5 were very busy learning
all about Robert Burns. They enjoyed
learning about his life and learning some Scots Language and listening to poems
from other Scottish poets. At the Burns
assembly, our poetry winners; Beth Turnbull, Lina Kharel and Hollie Campbell
did an excellent job of reciting our class poem, Mince and Tatties by JK
Annand. Well done girls, you did a
fantastic job!
Whilst learning about Robert Burns the class also looked at all things
Scottish, including tartan and some traditional Scottish food. The children created some beautiful tartan by
weaving different coloured paper together.
They also made some tartan biscuits, although catching the icing before
it hit the biscuit was the most fun part!
Some tartan biscuits! |
In ICT the class have been gaining and
consolidating many new skills. Two in
particular are ‘copying’ an image and ‘pasting’ it into a document. This is quite tricky so if there are any opportunities
at home practise, let P2b show you how much of an expert they have become!
5 have made a great start to our new topic ‘Fairtrade Farming’ and have so far
explored which type of food is grown in different countries around the world
and are gaining an understanding as to why Fairtrade is such an important thing
for farmers across the world.
We also made a class pictograph and our bar graphs about our favourite farm animals!
They will also be looking at the journey that their food takes to get from the farm to their plate with all different types of food that they eat on a regular basis.