Term 2!
2 has been an exciting one for Room 5. We have been very busy and
are can not quite believe that Christmas is upon us already!
we enjoyed finishing our coaching sessions with Greig. We learned so
many new skills and developed ones that we already had. We
especially loved playing a match against each other in class. We
would love to work with Greig again in the future.
Christmas fayre was lots of fun and we hope that all the families of
Room 5 liked our reindeer decorations. We worked so hard to make
them and are excited about decorating our homes with them. Miss
Craig even has one to hang on her tree!
PTA came and drew the raffle for children you brought in
donations...well done to Logan Hunter who won! The chocolate Santa
looked yummy!
the last few weeks we have been busy rehearsing our Christmas song
and perfecting our moves to go along with it alongside Room 6. We
are looking forward to performing it to you all to you a the
Christmas concert.
class, we have been learning about forces and materials. We created
models alongside Room 4 and explored the best materials to select for
the job. We also worked in groups to describe different materials
and look at what they would be used for.
our forces topic we also attempted our first mind map, recording what
thought was important information about pushing and pulling and other
forces alike.
recently we have been enjoying some lovely Christmas related tasks
and art work and are getting more and more excited about the
Christmas holidays. We can not wait for the end of term reward, the
Christmas Pantomime. We hope Term 3 will be just as fun!
5 and Miss Craig would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday
and hope that Santa is good to everyone.