Welcome to Primary 2b
a start to the year we have had in Primary 2b!
The children loved the Inside Out topic, especially reading the story of the film and exploring the different emotions that we all have. The class thought about times where they have felt sad, anger, fear, disgust and of course Joy! Making our Bing Bong (imaginary friend) was particularly fun. The class also enjoyed creating collages that matched each of the emotions and working as a team to complete them.
Craig has been particularly impressed with our dance sequences in
P.E. We have created moves and group dances to many of their
favourite songs. Each week the children have tried to developed
their moves by changing the height and speed of them as well as
perfecting their performing skills. Teaching each other their moves
and giving constructive feedback has been a challenge but one that
P2b have excelled in.
P.E P2b have being improving their football skills with an actual
football coach. Miss Craig has also learned a thing or two from the
coach and we are all excited about using the skills and games we have
learned and transferring them into other areas of the curriculum.
Primary 2's dinosaur topic has caused quite a lot of excitement. The boys and girls have loved learning about these massive reptiles, from looking at fossils to sorting between herbivores and carnivores.
The children have produced some excellent writing related to the topic and have been adding interesting WOW words to their writing.
Room 5 have been finding new ways to relax this term, one of their favourites being massage! The children have enjoyed trying out various massage techniques on each other so please ask at home for them to practise their new skills! (Pictures to follow)